AllowDeletions Property


GroupLevel object:  Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the user can delete records from the specified group. Set this property to False to prevent users from deleting records from a group. The default value is True. Read/write.

PivotView object: Returns or sets a Boolean that represents whether the user can delete a record from detail area of a PivotTable list. Set this property to True to allow the user to delete records. The default value is False. Read/write.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a GroupLevel or PivotView object.


Any records that are deleted from the detail area of a PivotTable list are also deleted from the source database. The user cannot delete records from the detail area of the PivotTable list if the source recordset does not allow deletions.


This example allows the user to delete records from the detail area of PivotTable1.

PivotTable1.ActiveView.AllowDeletions = True